
Showing posts from December, 2017

Our Mission and the Supper Club Definition

  So what exactly is a supper club? After countless hours of research we determined that there is no clear cut definition, but there are a number of characteristics that supper clubs share in common.     A supper club is an independently owned fine dining establishment. It is often located on the outskirts of town or out in the country, sometimes with a lake or woods view. It is typically family run, passed down from generation to generation. It's not unusual for the owners to live on the premises.  While similar in menu offerings, what makes each supper club unique are the people that run it. As there is usually a family member or owner on site expect a high quality level of service.      In the past, as the name implies, supper clubs were only open for supper and possibly Sunday brunch. To compete with today's ever growing number of dining options many are now open for lunch as well.      In Wisconsin, supp...